Angelicum Italy
 Angelicum LPA 5938 |
 Angelicum STA 9018 |
 Angelicum STA 9029
STA 9018
Melodie di Natale [Zipoli: Pastorale; Frescobaldi: Capriccio pastorale; Pasquini: Pastorale; Aldrovandini: O Bambino mio divino; Lotti: Variazioni su un tema natalizio; Kozeluch: Pastorale; Martini: Gavotte in F major; Bach: Pastorale in F major (BWV 590), Chorale Prelude on "In dulci jubilo" (BWV 751)]
Recorded 1969 on the "Antegnati" organ (1636) at the Church of San Carlo in Brescia, Italy. Published 1972.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Ars Nova VST 6110 Musiche per la notte di Natale
Boîte à Musique (BAM) LD 6007 [BWV 590, 751]
Musical Heritage Society MHS 1955 Christmas Melodies
Musica Viva MV 128 Omaggio a János Sebestyén [Zipoli, Frescobaldi, Pasquini, Aldrovandini, Kozeluch]
STA 9029
Bach: Organ Music ["Eight Little Preludes and Fugues": No. 1 in C major (BWV 553), No. 2 in D minor (BWV 554), No. 3 in E minor (BWV 555), No. 4 in F major (BWV 556), No. 5 in G major (BWV 557), No. 6 in G minor (BWV 558), No. 7 in A minor (BWV 559), No. 8 in B-flat major (BWV 560); Fantasia and Fugue in A minor (BWV 561)]
Recorded circa 1970 on the Tamburini organ (1960) at the Duomo in Rovigo, Italy. Published 1973.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Ars Nova VST 6143
Musica Viva MV 128 Omaggio a János Sebestyén
Antenna Hungaria Hungary
AH CD 001
Zemplén Art Festival 1992 [Liszt: Consolation No. 4 in D-flat major (R. 12); Chopin/Liszt: Prelude in E major; Grieg: Gavotte from "Holberg Suite"; Bach: "Little Prelude and Fugue" No. 4 in F major (BWV 556)]
Concert performance recorded August 1992 on the organ at the Catholic Church in Sárospatak, Hungary.
Notes: non-commercial recording issued by Antenna Hungaria, the general sponsor of the Zemplén Art Festival.
Ariston Italy
Ars Nova Italy
VST 6204
Vivaldi?: Six Sonatas for Flute and Continuo "Il Pastor Fido" (Op. 13) [No. 1 in C major, No. 2 in C major, No. 3 in G major, No. 4 in A major, No. 5 in C major, No. 6 in G minor] – Lóránt Kovács, flute
Recorded July 1973 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1980.
Notes: Originally scheduled for release as Angelicum STA 9040 but never published. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Sarx SXAM 2017
Sarx/Angelicum ANG 97030
 Ariston CLAR 13 003 |
 Ars Nova VST C2S 152 |
 Balkanton BKA 10408
VST C2S 152
Handel: Sonatas for Flute and Continuo (Op. 1) [No. 1b in E minor, No. 2 in G minor, No. 4 in A minor, No. 5 in G major, No. 7 in C major, No. 9 in B minor, No. 11 in F major], "Halle Sonatas" for Flute and Continuo [No. 1 in A minor, No. 2 in E minor, No. 3 in B minor] – Lóránt Kovács, flute
Recorded July 1973 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1980.
Notes: Originally scheduled for release as Angelicum STA 9032-33 but never published. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Sarx SXAM 2032
Sarx/Angelicum ANG 97031-32
Balkanton Bulgaria
BKA 10408
Bach: Three Sonatas for Viola da Gamba and Harpsichord [Sonata in G major (BWV 1027), Sonata in D major (BWV 1028), Sonata in G minor (BWV 1029)] – Ventsislav Nikolov, cello
Recorded circa 1980 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Published 1981.
Boîte à Musique (BAM) France
LD 6000
Haydn: Six "Esterházy" Sonatas for Harpsichord [No. 1 in C major (H. XVI: 21/Landon 36), No. 2 in E major (H. XVI: 22/Landon 37), No. 3 in F major (H. XVI: 23/Landon 38), No. 4 in D major (H. XVI: 24/Landon 39), No. 5 in E-flat major (H. XVI: 25/Landon 40), No. 6 in A major (H. XVI: 26/Landon 41)]
Recorded circa 1968 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1970.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Musical Heritage Society MHS 3854
LD 6001
Handel: Harpsichord Music [Suite in G minor (Chrysander VII/HWV 432), Suite in G major (Chrysander XIV/HWV 441), Capriccio in F major (HWV 481), Fantasie in C major (HWV 490)]
Recorded 1968 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1970.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
LD 6002
Bach: Harpsichord Music [Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in E-flat major (BWV 998), Aria variata alla maniera italiana (BWV 989), Overture in the French Style (Partita) in B minor (BWV 831)]
Recorded 1968 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1970.
Notes: The Allegro from BWV 998 and Variation III from BWV 989 are missing from the published recording. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
LD 6011
Speth: Organ Music [Ten Toccatas I-X from "Musicalische Blumenfelder"]
Recorded 1969 on the "Antegnati" organ (1636) at the Church of San Carlo in Brescia, Italy.
Notes: Also scheduled for release as Angelicum STA 9042 but never published. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Ars Nova VST 6168
Musica Viva MV 128 Omaggio a János Sebestyén [Toccatas VI-VII]
LD 6020
Telemann: Six Overtures for Harpsichord [Overture I in G minor (TWV 32: 5), Overture II in A major (TWV 32: 6), Overture III in F major (TWV 32: 7), Overture IV in E minor (TWV 32: 8), Overture V in E-flat major (TWV 32: 9), Overture VI in B minor (TWV 32: 10)]
Recorded circa 1969 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1972.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Musical Heritage Society MHS 3429
LD 6021
Walther: Organ Music [Concerto after Telemann in C minor (LV 136) +, Variations on the Chorale "Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht" (LV 1) +, Concerto for Solo Organ in G major (LV 120) +, Variations on a Basso Continuo by Corelli in E major (LV 129) +, Variations on the Chorale "Ach, was sol ich Sünder machen?" (LV 8) ++]
Recorded June 1970 on the "Antegnati" organ (1636) at the Church of San Carlo in Brescia, Italy + and on the Tonoli/Tamburini organ at the Church of San Gaetano in Brescia, Italy ++. Published 1972.
Notes: Also scheduled for release as Angelicum STA 9041 but never published. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Ars Nova VST 6167
Musica Viva MV 128 Omaggio a János Sebestyén [LV 1, LV 136]
Il Canale (Music for UNICEF) Italy
FC U09-10
Lucchesi: Organ Music [Sonata No. 1 in C major, Sonata No. 2 in C major, Rondo in C major, Sonata No. 1 in F major, Sonata No. 2 in F major, Sonata No. 3 in F major, Sonata No. 4 in F major, Rondo in F major, Sonata in D major, Sonata No. 1 in B-flat major, Sonata No. 2 in B-flat major, Sonata in G major]
Recorded November 1979 on the Serassi organ (1851) at the Duomo in Valenza, Italy. Published 1983.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
CBS Italiana Italy
Musiche Natalizie [Frescobaldi: Capriccio pastorale +; Daquin: Two Noëls +; Galuppi: Largo ++, Andante ++; B. Marcello: Cantabile ++; Lebèque: Noël ancien +++]
Recorded 1974 on the Tonoli/Tamburini organ at the Church of San Gaetano in Brescia, Italy +, on the Callido organ (1791) in Borca di Cadore, Italy ++ and on the Serassi organ (1843-1865) in Serravalle Scrivia, Italy +++. Published 1974.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Record Bazaar RB 166 Intorno all'albero la notte di Natale
CBS Italiana/Odissea Italy
Centre Culturel de Valprivas France
CCV 1007
Bach: Harpsichord Music [Suite in E-flat major (BWV 819), Suite in F minor (BWV 823), Suite in A minor (BWV 818a), Overture (Suite) in F major (BWV 820)]
Recorded at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1975.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
Danacord Denmark
Pasquini: Bergamasca; Martini: Gavotte in F major; Bach: Pastorale in F major (BWV 590)
Recorded May 1984 on the Johannes Rohlf organ (1983) at the St. Mauritius Evangelical Church in Stuttgart-Feuerbach, Germany. Published 2019.
Notes on the recordings by Danacord founder Jesper Buhl:
In the autumn of 1984 I was introduced to the 1931 Hungarian-born Professor János Sebestyén at a social gathering in Copenhagen. Not only was János Sebestyén one of the leading musicians in the world and an extensive recording artist, but also one of the most approachable, and generous of human beings. In his capacity as organist, pianist and harpsichordist he needs no further introduction. At a later meeting János Sebestyén gave me as a present a short master-tape with various organ works he in May 1984 recorded in the German Stuttgart-Feuerbach church using the brand new 1983 Johannes Rohlf organ. We discussed possible future recording projects to fill out music for an LP, using some of the high standard Danish organs, which sadly never came to fruition. In 2012 János Sebestyén passed away. Here is the first release of those tapes with two short pieces by Pasquini and Martini and the Pastorale by Bach.
The release is a small token of gratitude to that Hungarian icon of music.
Fon-Trade Music Hungary
FTM 0060
Matuz 60 [Handel: "Halle Sonata" No. 1 for Flute and Continuo in A minor] – István Matuz, flute; Katalin Vas, cello
Concert performance recorded 19 November 1985 at the Vigado Concert Hall in Budapest, Hungary. Published 2007.
Notes: CD devoted to concert performances by István Matuz published in celebration of his 60th birthday.
Fonit Cetra/Italia Italy
ITL 70062
Pasquini: Organ Music [Variations in G minor, Passacaglia, Capriccio, Partite diverse di follia, Bergamasca, Canzone francese, Toccata in C major, Toccata in G major, Toccata in D minor, Toccata in E minor, Toccata con lo Scherzo del Cucco]
Recorded 8-11 August 1978 on the Aebi organ (1679-80) at the Church of St. Georg in Ernen, Switzerland.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
ITL 70084
Walther: Concerto Transcriptions for Solo Organ [Concerto after Albinoni in F major (LV 126), Concerto after Albinoni in B-flat major (LV 127), Concerto after Manzia in G minor (LV 132), Concerto after Taglietti in B-flat major (LV 135), Concerto after Torelli in D minor (LV 138), Concerto after Gentili in A major (LV 130), Concerto after Gregori in B-flat major (LV 131)]
Recorded 1979 on the Serassi organ (1843-65) in Serravalle Scrivia, Italy. Published 1981.
Notes: The Schwann LP and Koch CD incorrectly identify the instrument as the Serassi organ in Valenza. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Schwann/Musica Mundi VMS 2092
Koch/Treasure 3 1625 2
Naxos Hong Kong
Mozart: Church Sonatas for Organ and Chamber Orchestra (Complete) [No. 1 in E-flat major (KV 67), No. 2 in B-flat major (KV 68), No. 3 in D major (KV 69), No. 4 in D major (KV 144), No. 5 in F major (KV 145), No. 6 in B-flat major (KV 212), No. 7 in F major (KV 224), No. 8 in A major (KV 225), No. 9 in G major (KV 241), No. 10 in F major (KV244), No. 11 in D major (KV 245), No. 12 in C major (KV 263), No. 13 in G major (KV 274), No. 14 in C major (KV 278), No. 15 in C major (KV 328), No. 16 in C major (KV 329), No. 17 in C major (KV 336)] – Ferenc Erkel Chamber Orchestra
Recorded 15-18 February 1991 at the Concert Hall in Vác, Hungary. Published 1991.
 Naxos 8.550512 |
 Naxos 8.550514 |
 Naxos 8.550679
Mozart: Organ Music [Fantasia in C minor (KV 396), Andante in A major (KV 402), Molto allegro in G major "Veroneser Allegro" (KV 72a), Gigue in G major "Leipziger Gigue" (KV 574), Adagio in B minor (KV 540), Overture in C major (KV 399), Fantasia in D minor (KV 397), Prelude in C major (KV 284a), Andante in F major (KV 616), Church Sonata No. 17 in C major (KV 336), Variations on "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman" (KV 265), From the London Sketchbook: Andante cantabile in D major (KV 15o), Gigue in C minor (KV 15z)]
Recorded 19-22 May 1991 on the Jehmlich organ (1989) at the House of Arts in Szekszárd, Hungary. Published 1991.
Bach: Piano Music [Italian Concerto (BWV 971), Fantasia and Fugue in A minor (BWV 904), Twelve "Little" Preludes: Praeambulum in C major (BWV 924), Prelude in C major (BWV 939), Prelude in C minor (BWV 999), Prelude in D major (BWV 925), Prelude in D minor (BWV 926), Prelude in D minor (BWV 940), Prelude in E minor (BWV 941), Praeambulum in F major (BWV 927), Prelude in F major (BWV 928), Trio in G minor (BWV 929), Praeambulum in G minor (BWV 930), Prelude in A minor (BWV 942); Two-Part Invention No. 8 in F major (BWV 779), Fantasia in C minor (BWV 906), Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in E-flat major (BWV 998), Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue (BWV 903)]
Recorded 21-22 June 1991 at the House of Arts in Szekszárd, Hungary. Published 1993.
Bach: Piano Music [Fifteen Inventions: No. 1 in C major (BWV 772), No. 2 in C minor (BWV 773), No. 3 in D major (BWV 774), No. 4 in D minor (BWV 775), No. 5 in E-flat major (BWV 776), No. 6 in E major (BWV 777), No. 7 in E minor (BWV 778), No. 8 in F major (BWV 779), No. 9 in F minor (BWV 780), No. 10 in G major (BWV 781), No. 11 in G minor (BWV 782), No. 12 in A major (BWV 783), No. 13 in A minor (BWV 784), No. 14 in B-flat major (BWV 785), No. 15 in B minor (BWV 786); Fifteen Sinfonias: No. 1 in C major (BWV 787), No. 2 in C minor (BWV 788), No. 3 in D major (BWV 789), No. 4 in D minor (BWV 790), No. 5 in E-flat major (BWV 791), No. 6 in E major (BWV 792), No. 7 in E minor (BWV 793), No. 8 in F major (BWV 794), No. 9 in F minor (BWV 795), No. 10 in G major (BWV 796), No. 11 in G minor (BWV 797), No. 12 in A major (BWV 798), No. 13 in A minor (BWV 799), No. 14 in B-flat major (BWV 800), No. 15 in B minor (BWV 801); From the Anna Magdalena Notebook: Minuet in G major (BWV Anh. 114), Minuet in G minor (BWV Anh. 115), Minuet in G major (BWV Anh. 116), Polonaise in G minor (BWV Anh. 119), March in D major (BWV Anh. 122), Polonaise in G minor (BWV Anh. 125), Musette in D major (BWV Anh. 126), Minuet in D minor (BWV Anh. 132)]
Recorded 6-9 July 1992 at the Unitarian Church in Budapest, Hungary. Published 1993.
Organ Meditation [Schumann: Träumerei from "Kinderszenen" (Op. 15, No. 7); Martini: Gavotte in F major; A. Marcello: Adagio from Oboe Concerto in D minor; Gluck: Gavotte from "Iphigenia in Aulis"; Bach: Siciliano from Concerto after Vivaldi in D minor (BWV 596), Pastorale from Pastorale in F major (BWV 590); Sousa Carvalho: Andante from Toccata in G minor; Grieg: Air and Gavotte from "Holberg Suite"; Saint-Saëns: The Swan from "Carnival of the Animals"; Bossi: Scherzo in G minor (Op. 49, No. 2), Pastorale (Op. 118, No. 3); Liszt: Consolation No. 4 in D-flat major (R. 12); Elgar: Chanson de nuit (Op. 15, No. 1); Strauss: Morgen from "Vier Lieder" (Op. 27, No. 4); Fauré: Allegresse from "Pièces Brèves" (Op. 84, No. 7), Après un rêve (Op. 7, No. 1); Roman: Fragment from "Drottningholm Music"]
Recorded 4-8 May 1992 on the Jehmlich organ (1989) at the House of Arts in Szekszárd, Hungary. Published 1994.
Portugalsom Portugal
Price-Less United States
Organ Festival [Rózsa: Theme from "Ben Hur"; Pachelbel: Canon; Boëllmann: Toccata from "Suite gothique"; Bach: Sinfonia from Cantata "Wir danken dir, Gott" (BWV 29), Siciliano from Concerto after Vivaldi in D minor (BWV 596); Elgar: Chanson de nuit (Op. 15, No. 1); Mendelssohn: Wedding March from "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; Albinoni: Adagio; Mozart: Variations on "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman" (K. 265); Handel: Largo from "Xerxes"; Pasquini: Toccata con lo Scherzo del Cucco]
Recorded May 1984 on the Johannes Rohlf organ (1983) at the St. Mauritius Evangelical Church in Stuttgart-Feuerbach, Germany. The Rózsa (and possibly Elgar) is from a concert performance recorded 25 October 1983 at the Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary. Published 1986.
Notes: Originally released on cassette only.
also released as:
SKC SKCD-L-0161 (South Korea)
Radioton Hungary
SLPX 31407
Four-Hand Organ Music [Beethoven: Adagio (WoO 33, No. 1); Piazza: Sonata in F major; Pfeyll: Sonata in G major; Terreni: Sonata in D major; Lachner: Introduction and Fugue in D minor (Op. 62); Albrechtsberger: Praeludium and Fugue in C major; Hesse: Fantasie (Op. 87); Wesley: Duet in C major] – Zsuzsa Elekes, organ
Recorded 30-31 January 1990 on the Jehmlich organ (1989) at the House of Arts in Szekszárd, Hungary. Published 1990.
Schwann/Musica Mundi Germany
Supraphon Czech Republic
1110 4391-92
Bach: Concertos for Two, Three and Four Harpsichords [Concerto for Two Harpsichords and Strings in C major (BWV 1061), Concerto for Three Harpsichords and Strings in C major (BWV 1064), Concerto for Four Harpsichords and Strings in A minor (BWV 1065)] – Zuzana Růžičková, David Roblou, Giedré Lukšaité-Mrázková, harpsichords; Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra conducted by Petr Škvor
Recorded 15-24 April 1983 at the at the Rudolfinum (House of Artists) in Prague, Czech Republic. Published 1985.
also released as:
Supraphon CO 4197-4200 (Japan)
David Roblou shared his memories of this recording in correspondence from January and February 2017:
I remember those concerts and recordings as a wonderful experience; culturally a world apart from things in the West at the time, but hugely stimulating and rewarding! An Anglo-Czechophile named Margot Leigh Milner, a friend of Zuzana's, recommended me and I was invited to take part! Simple as that! The C major for three was Zuzana playing 1st, János 2nd and me 3rd, as I recall. The cadenza in the 2nd part is hard and János brought it off with enormous aplomb; he had a wonderful technique. I knew the instruments would be rather "rum" by our standards - however, Zuzana played an instrument by a (Swiss?) maker called Zahl which was edging towards classical models. (The instruments were tuned by Petr Šefl, a great character, who had already built an Italian copy.) Two things struck me: you had to hit them hard for them to work! Despite that, the technical standards of my colleagues were superb. In other words, there were things they could do in which I lagged behind and vice versa. I think I played 2nd in the D minor triple and Giedré 3rd... I think. The quadruple: I think 2nd (me), 3rd (János) and 4th (Giedré). I remember the slow movement of the quadruple being problematic to record; everybody had different conceptions of dotted rhythms. We rehearsed individually, conducted by Petr and I got it exactly right, the reason being I also had a background as an orchestral and chamber music player as well as a soloist, whereas my colleagues were soloists by experience and temperament! Again, differences in culture. Of course nowadays English is the 2nd language; in the 80s in the East it was Russian and German. Giedré and I had to communicate in German, Zuzana is fluent in everything and János' English was developing, especially his sense of English humour... that was delightful! What's so nice is that, despite the cultural gap at the time, in terms of instruments, playing style, etc., the performances feel so authentic, in the sense of feeling for tempo, rhythm, etc. And throughout the strings make a wonderful sound, again despite a rather "picky" approach (which is how I'd define it nowadays); but they were incapable of playing unmusically! It's all reminded me what a pleasure, as well as a cross-cultural experience, it was playing those pieces with all those wonderful players!
Valeria Switzerland
LP 30-868
Festival International de l'Orgue ancien, Vol. 2 [Wohlmuth: Pastorale; Croner: From the Wittenberger Tablature - 1682: Praeludium, Praeambulum, Praeludium, Toccata, Fuga super "Was mein Gott will"; Gherardeschi: Elevatione and Rondo]
Concert performances recorded 9 September 1980 on the anonymous organ (circa 1430) at the Valère Cathedral in Sion, Switzerland. Published 1984.
Notes: LP devoted to selected performances from the Festival Concerts (1979-1983) performed on the oldest playable organ in the world.
Village Records Italy
VCD 2006
Jubilate omnis terra [G. Laurentaci: Ricercando tra i registri; Anonymous: Five Hungarian Dances from 16th century tablatures]
Concert performance recorded 2 August 2000 on the Olgiati/Mauro organ (1628) at the Church of San Nicola Magno in Salve (Lecce), Italy.
Notes: Sponsored by the Association "Ars Organi - Girolamo Frescobaldi" in Lecce, Italy. Further details regarding this recording and the organ played can be found at www.salveweb.it.
Vox/Candide United States
CE 31019
Polish Renaissance Music for Harpsichord and Organ [Bakfark: Fantasia VIII, Fantasia X; Długoraj: From the tablature of J. B. Besard - 1603: Fantasia, Three Villanelle; From a Leipzig tablature - 1619: Villanella Polonica, Cantio Polonica; Cato: Fantasia and Fugue +; Polak: Galliard from the tablature of J. B. Besard - 1617, Branle de S. Nicholas from the tablature of G. L. Fuhrmann - 1615, Coranto from the tablature of Joachim van den Hove - 1612; Lohet: Three Fugues from the tablature of J. Woltz - 1617 +; Anonymous: A Good Polish Dance from the tablature of Christian Loeffelholtz - 1585, Two Polish Dances from the tablature of Mateusz Waisselius - 1591, Ortus (De Polonia) from the tablature of the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Cracow - 1548 +, Five Polish Dances from the Gdabak tablature - first half of 17th century, From the tablature of Jan of Lublin - ca. 1540: Hayduczky, Alia Poznanie, Aliud Praeambulum +, Wesel +, Dziwny Sposob +, Colenda +, Dance (Poznanie), Dance (Martin Again)]
Recorded circa 1969 at the Angelicum studio and on the Tamburini organ (1960) at the Angelicum auditorium in Milan, Italy. Published 1970.
Notes: + Performed on organ. Further details regarding the contents of this LP can be found here. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Candide VOX 36021 (France) La Renaissance en Pologne
Vox/Warner-Pioneer H 4909V-11V (Japan) Keyboard Music from Eastern Europe
CE 31020
Portuguese Harpsichord Music [Sousa Carvalho: Allegro from Sonata in D major, Toccata in G minor; Coelho: Primeiro tento do primeiro tom (Ricercar on the first tone) from Flores de Música; Seixas: Sonata No. 15 in C minor (first movement only), Sonata No. 71 in A minor (first movement only), Sonata No. 35 in E minor, Sonata No. 14 in C minor, Sonata No. 55 in G minor (first movement only), Minuet in A minor, Sonata No. 37 in E minor, Jacinto: Toccata in D minor]
Recorded 1968 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1970.
Notes: The numbering of the Seixas sonatas is from Kastner's edition of 80 sonatas. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Vox/Warner-Pioneer H 6004V (Japan) Cravistas Portuguezes
 Vox/Candide CE 31019 |
 Vox/Candide CE 31032 |
 Vox/Turnabout TV 34287
CE 31032
Hungarian Dances for Harpsichord [Bakfark: Fantasia I; Picchi: Ballo ongaro, Padoana ditta la ongaro; Bengraf: Dance from "Twelve Hungarian Dances for Harpsichord" - 1790; Babnik: Two Dances from "Original Hungarian National Dances" - ca. 1800; Haydn: Rondo all'ungherese "Gypsy Rondo" from Trio in G major (H. XV: 25); Anonymous: Hayduczky from the tablature of Jan of Lublin - ca. 1540, Ein Ungerischer Tantz from the tablature of Wolff Heckel - 1556, Passamezzo ongaro e saltarello from the tablature of Bernhard Jobin - 1573, Passamezzo ongaro e saltarello from the tablature of Bernhard Schmid the Elder - 1577, Ungaresca from the tablature of Jacob Paix - 1583, Heiducken from a Dresden tablature - 1592, Ungarischer Aufzug from the tablature of August Nörmiger - 1598, Danza from Oscar Chilesotti's collection, Old Hungarian Dances arranged by Ferenc Farkas from the Lőcse and Sopron books, Saltus Hungaricus from the manuscript of Eleonóra Zsuzsánna Lányi - 1729]
Recorded circa 1969 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1970.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Vox/Warner-Pioneer H 4909V-11V (Japan) Keyboard Music from Eastern Europe
CE 31033
Czech and Slovak Harpsichord Music [Dusík: Presto in B-flat major, Andante and Allegro from Sonata in G major; Mysliveček: Rondo from Sonata in B-flat major; Brixi: Andante in A major +, Presto in C minor; Benda: Sonatina in A major, Sonatina in G minor, Sonatina in D major, Sonatina in F major, Sonatina in D major; Štěpán: Divertimento in E-flat major (Op. 1, No. 6)]
Recorded circa 1969 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1970.
Notes: + This Andante is actually the second movement from C. P. E. Bach's "Württemberg" Sonata in A minor (H 30). Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Vox/Warner-Pioneer H 4909V-11V (Japan) Keyboard Music from Eastern Europe
Vox/Turnabout United States
 Vox/Turnabout TV-S 34325 |
 Vox/Turnabout TV-S 34366 |
 Vox Box SVBX 5481
TV-S 34366
Soler: Harpsichord Sonatas [Sonata in F major (R. 89), Sonata in C minor (R. 19), Sonata in F-sharp minor (R. 85), Sonata in C-sharp minor (R. 21), Sonata in D major (R. 84), Sonata in G minor (R. 87), Sonata in A minor (R. 118), Sonata in D major (R. 86), Sonata in E minor (R. 52), Sonata in G major (R. 116), Sonata in B-flat major (R. 132), Sonata in B-flat major (R. 119)]
Recorded 1968 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1969.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
TV-S 34369
Bach: Harpsichord Music ["Six Little Preludes": No. 1 in C major (BWV 933), No. 2 in C minor (BWV 934), No. 3 in D minor (BWV 935), No. 4 in D major (BWV 936), No. 5 in E major (BWV 937), No. 6 in E minor (BWV 938); Fantasia in C minor (BWV 906), Toccata in C minor (BWV 911), Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue (BWV 903), Italian Concerto (BWV 971)]
Recorded 1968 (BWV 903 possibly recorded 1969) at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1970.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
TV-S 34448
Handel: Harpsichord Music ["Aylesford Pieces" (selections): Overture, Entrée, Gavotte, Toccata, Fuga, Impertinence, Concerto, Preludio, Menuet I and II, Allegro, Menuet, Air, Menuet I and II (Trio), Air with Variations, Allemande, Passepied and Menuet (Trio), Sonatina; Sarabande and Gigue from Suite in G minor (Chrysander XVI/HWV 452), Chaconne in G major (HWV 435)]
Recorded circa 1969 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1971.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
Vox Box United States
SVBX 5328
Liszt: Complete Organ Music - Vol. 1 [Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H (R. 381) +, Andante maestoso (R. 397) +, Ave Maria (R. 193/a) +++, Ave Maris Stella (R. 394/2) ++, Salve Regina (R. 394/1) +, Chorale "Nun danket alle Gott" (R. 408) ++, Angelus! Prière aux anges gardiens (R. 389) +, Andante religioso (R. 412) ++, Am Grabe Richard Wagners (R. 387) +++, Ungarns Gott (R. 399) ++, Resignazione (R. 388) +++, Ora pro nobis: Litanei (R. 383) +, Tu es petrus (R. 391) +, Hosannah (R. 409) +++, Preludium (R. 395) +++, Gebet (R. 496/6) +++, Introitus (R. 390/1) +++, Trauerode (R. 390/2) +++, Variations on "Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen" (R. 382) +++]
Recorded circa 1972 on the Tamburini organ (1960) at the Duomo in Rovigo, Italy +, on the Tamburini organ (1960) at the Angelicum auditorium in Milan, Italy ++ and on the Mascioni organ (1968) at the Duomo Nuovo in Brescia, Italy +++. Published 1974.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
SVBX 5329
Liszt: Complete Organ Music - Vol. 2 [Evocation à la Chapelle Sixtine (R. 400 ) +++, Offertorium (R. 411/6) ++, San Francesco (R. 392) ++ , Missa pro Organo (R. 384) +++, Weimars Volkslied (R. 398) +++, Requiem for the Organ (R. 385) +++, Rosario (R. 396) +++, Zur Trauung (R. 498) +++, Dante: Einleitung, Fuge und Magnificat (R. 426) +++, Fantasy and Fugue on the Chorale "Ad nos, ad Salutarem undam" (R. 380) +++, Arcadelt's Ave Maria (R. 401) ++]
Recorded circa 1972 on the Tamburini organ (1960) at the Duomo in Rovigo, Italy +, on the Tamburini organ (1960) at the Angelicum auditorium in Milan, Italy ++ and on the Mascioni organ (1968) at the Duomo Nuovo in Brescia, Italy +++. Published 1974.
Notes: Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
SVBX 5481
Purcell: Complete Harpsichord Music [Eight Suites: No. 1 in G major (Z.660), No. 2 in G minor (Z.661), No. 3 in G major (Z.662), No. 4 in A minor including alternate Prelude (Z.663), No. 5 in C major (Z.666), No. 6 in D major (Z.667), No. 7 in D minor (Z.668), No. 8 in F major (Z.669); Prelude in A minor (Z.652), Voluntary (Z.717), Verse (Z.716), Prelude in G major (Z.720), From "A Choise Collection of Lessons": March (Z.T687), Trumpet Tune (Z.T698), Chacone (Z.T680), Jig (Z.T686), Trumpet Tune called the Cibell (Z.T678), Trumpet Tune (Z.T697); From "The Second Part of Musick's Handmaid": Song Tune (Z.T694), March (Z.647), A Song Tune (Z.T695), March (Z.648), New Minuet (Z.T689), Minuet (Z.649), A Minuet (Z.650), A New Scotch Tune (Z.655), A New Ground (Z.T682), A New Irish Tune (Z.646), Rigadoon (Z.653), Sefauchi's Farewell (Z.656), Minuet (Z.T688), [Prelude, Almond, Corant, Saraband, Jigg (Z. 665)]; Pieces from various sources: Air (Z.641), Aire (Z.T675), Aire Minuet (Z.T696), Air (Z.T676), Air (Z.T630), Air (Z.T693), Canary (Z.T677), Ground in Gamut (Z.645), Ground (Z.T681), Ground (Z.D222), Hornpipe (Z.T683), Hornpipe (Z.T685), Minuet (Z.651), Round O (Z.T684); Pieces of doubtful authenticity: Corant (Z.644), Gavotte, Ground (Z.D221), Jigg (Z.D223), The Queen's Dolour (Z.670), Rigadoon (Z.D227), Saraband with Division (Z.654), Saraband, Trumpet Minuet (Z.D230)]
Recorded July 1975 at the Angelicum studio in Milan, Italy. Published 1977.
Notes: The Minuet (Z.649) is present in the documentation but missing from the published recording. Recorded by Thomas Gallia.
also released as:
Abril Cultural MM 48 (Brazil) Mestres da Música: Purcell [Eight Suites]
Unpublished Recordings
János Sebestyén recorded approximately thirty-five minutes of music on a Pleyel harpsichord for the famous sound engineer André Charlin in Paris in 1962. Among the items recorded were Fantasias by Bakfark, Old Hungarian Dances arranged by Ferenc Farkas, and Bach's Toccata in E minor (BWV 914). The recordings were never published but were later made available for broadcast by Hungarian Radio.
János Sebestyén recorded a selection of Russian piano music adapted for harpsichord with sound engineer Thomas Gallia in Milan in April 1971. The works recorded included Prokofiev's Prelude (Op. 12, No. 7), Gavotte (Op. 32, No. 3), Rigaudon (Op. 12, No. 3); Shostakovich's Prelude in B-flat major (Op. 34, No. 21), Prelude in D minor (Op. 34, No. 24); Kabalevsky's Prelude in F major (Op. 35, No. 15), Prelude in D-flat major (Op. 35, No. 23), Prelude and Fugue in F major (Op. 61); and two Dances by Fikret Amirov. As with the above item, the recordings were never published but were later made available for broadcast by Hungarian Radio.
Listen to Kabalevsky's Prelude in F major from Sebestyén's unpublished recording of Russian music. |
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While recording sonatas for flute and harpsichord by Handel and Vivaldi in Milan during the summer of 1973, Lóránt Kovács and János Sebestyén also recorded a selection of trio sonatas by Telemann with violinst Richard Young and cellist Andor Tóth. This recording was scheduled for release as Angelicum STA 9034, but the Angelicum label closed before publication. When the Angelicum catalog reemerged under the Ars Nova imprint beginning in 1978, the tapes could no longer be located and were considered lost.
Richard Young recalls the Telemann recording in an email from 6 October 2006:
The circumstances regarding the Telemann recording were quite unusual. Our quartet had completed the Schubert recording sessions, and Andy and I decided to stay a bit longer in Milan to listen to some of the play-backs. While we were there, János Sebestyén was there too (with a Hungarian flutist, whose name I don't remember) making a recording of their own in the same studio, with the same engineer (Thomas Gallia). Since we were all there together, Gallia (spontaneously!) suggested we do a record together of whatever music he could find for this combination of instruments. So he went to the local music store and found only a bunch of Telemann works, and after practically no rehearsal we did it! I recall feeling an instant "chemistry," particularly with János, and that the result was surprisingly good. However, I was never sent a copy of the finished product, so who knows? I'm sorry to hear that the tapes were lost.
The September 1976 issue of the audio magazine High Fidelity announced a future Vox Box release of Italian organ music performed by János Sebestyén. According to Sebestyén, Vox eventually decided against publishing the recordings since there was already a similar collection in their catalog. The recordings were made on various organs in northern Italy circa 1974-75 and are likely lost.